Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Israel "IZ" Kamakawiwo'ole


Please educate yourself before you vote

                             With 18 months to go please educate yourself before you vote!!

Don't jump on the band wagon as so many did the last go around.  Ask this woman the tough questions, do not give her a pass just because of the push for the first woman President.

Is she qualified?

What has she accomplished?

Can we trust her?

What is her agenda?

What are her policies?

She says she wants to be the Champion for the middle class and the 99%  yet she is in the 1%

We don't need a "Champion" for our President!! 

Talks of CEO pay yet look at what she brings in per speaking engagement
Goes on so called van tour to speak with real people , lets look at these real people

She has stepped down from the Clinton Foundation, Limited who they will take donations from now.  All due to her running for President.  She needs to be asked would these changes have been made if she wasn't running for President?
                                                 Can imagine the answer we would get

                                                       What difference does it make!!!

                              Most of all whats the real reason she needed her own server?

I can only imagine if it was George Bush who had is own server and he selected what he was to turn over and then wipe it clean, the story would be quite different.

Here we go again

                                Will Obama draw another redline only this time in the ocean?

It's redickulous how this administration works, we are for Iran fighting in Iraq but not for them moving weapons into Yemen.

They think they can trust Iran when it comes to nuclear weapons. Really Really they have to be on drugs!!