Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Civil War The War between the States

I have been researching and have found records for 49 of my ancestors who where involved in this war between fathers, sons, brothers, cousins, and families.

I have found 42 who fought for the Confederacy; 

23rd Regiment, Georgia Infantry
4th Regiment, Missouri Infantry State Guard(1st Division)
4th Regiment, Mississippi Infantry

44th Regiment, Mississippi Infantry

34th Regiment, Mississippi Infantry

42nd Regiment, Mississippi Infantry

18th Regiment, Virginia Cavalry
12th Regiment, North Carolina Infantry
14th Regiment, North Carolina Infantry
1st Regiment, North Carolina Artillery
28th Regiment, North Carolina Infantry
30th Regiment, North Carolina Infantry 
37th Regiment, North Carolina Infantry

49th Regiment, North Carolina Infantry
55th Regiment, North Carolina Infantry
2nd Regiment, North Carolina Junior Reserves
4th Regiment. North Carolina Senior Reserves

Cherokee Legion, Georgia (State Guards)
I also found 7 who fought for the Union;

2nd Regiment, Tennessee Cavalry
3rd Regiment, Tennessee Infantry
8th Regiment, Tennessee Cavalry

6th Regiment, Indian Infantry


Thursday, October 16, 2014

Coming to America in 1748 verse's today

                        My family came to this country in 1748 from Rotterdam Holland.  On the sailing ship Patience, Captained by John Brown it carried 122 men over the age of 16 (total passengers was not given).
                        Upon arrival at Philadelphia on Sept. 16, 1748, males over the age of 16 were taken to the City Hall for the oath of allegiance to the government, then led back to the ship. Those who had their passage money, or could borrow it, were released. The others were consigned to merchants, and announcements were printed in newspapers. Buyers bargained with the passengers for a stated period of service, and paid the merchant the passage money and any other debts. Families were often divided on arrival, as children were 'sold' to pay the family's passage.
                        Passengers who were sick were not allowed to land. If there was infectious disease on board, the ship had to remove one mile from the port. In 1743, the Assembly at Philadelphia purchased Fisher Island, later named Province Island, its buildings to be used as a hospital. In 1754, 253 persons died there, as recorded in the accounts of one undertaker. Burial expenses were assumed by the merchants to whom the passengers had been consigned.

Take note nothing was given to them when they arrived they had to pay to get off the ship and swear an OATH OF ALLEGIANCE!   Should they not be able to pay for passage they had to work to get off the ship and or unfortunately some choose to sell their children.

Now lets compare today's so called immigrants and I 'm talking the ones who choose not to follow our immigration LAWS and just come here;

They are given food,clothing,housing,monies,education, health care and worst of all RIGHTS as if they were American Citizens.  When in reality they are illegal invaders of this country!

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Fast food workers and pay raise

       A little something to think about when these unskilled fast food workers want a major pay raise.

                        For those fast food employees striking for $15 an hour, lets do a little math.  At $15 an hour Johnny Fry-Boy would make $31,200 annually.  An E1 (Private) in the military makes $18,378.  An E5 (Sergeant) with 8 years of service only makes $35,067 annually.
                       So Sally McBurgerflipper is telling us she deserves as much as those kids getting shot at, deploying for months in hostile environments, and Ebola infected countries.  As well as putting their asses on the line everyday protecting her unskilled butt.
                      Here's the deal to all Baconator's you are working in a job designed for a kid in high school who is learning how to work in a job setting, earning money for gas and hanging out with their equally goofy high school pals.
                     This job is and was never intended to raise and or support a family.


                        If you do not want minimum wage don't have minimum skills!!

Friday, October 10, 2014

The President and his abilities to lead America

Now before this man fooled the country and got elected.  I knew he did not have the knowledge and qualifications to lead America.  It was common sense that a senator with 2 years experience was by no means qualified for the job.  Time as Illinois Senator  January 4, 2005 – November 16, 2008.  Last year as Senator spent campaigning for President.

        Only thing he could do was speak well and spu nonsense, just like a used car salesman!

                                       Now look who is commenting on his abilities to lead

                   To bad these officials had to wait and put this information and their thoughts in books to   make money, rather than to let the American people know the truth about this man.

Wheres the President in time of crisis

When the middle east is going up in flames and ISIS terrorist's moving through Iraq pretty much at will.  Where our American soldiers fought and died to stabilize.   As the city of Kobani is on the verge of falling to ISIS, and as they move in on Bagdad.

                                                                  WHERE IS HE?
                                           There he is out fund raising in Hollywood again!

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Where's the outrage and protests

                                                          Justice for Dillon Taylor


  Sure is a different story, more like a non story when the victim of a police shooting is white and the officer is black.

 Yet this is what we get when an armed black teen shoots at an off-duty police officer working his second job at a private security firm.  Which results in the teens death.

                                                                  Go Figure!

Friday, October 3, 2014

For those who claim racism

One should look in the mirror first

                                                                     For Hollywood

It's not my fault!

                                                       It's all Fox News they did it

Coming to a town near you

                                      I'm all for someone wanting a better live for themselves.

                                                   Through LEGAL Immigration!

                                                      Rather than illegal invasion 
                      But the question is do you think we can take care of everybody when we can't                                              even take care of our own citizens?

                                         We have to take care of American's First!!!

Voter I.D.'S just not in America

Wheres Hollywoods outrage

                                                        One word:  HYPOCRITES!!!