Thursday, October 16, 2014

Coming to America in 1748 verse's today

                        My family came to this country in 1748 from Rotterdam Holland.  On the sailing ship Patience, Captained by John Brown it carried 122 men over the age of 16 (total passengers was not given).
                        Upon arrival at Philadelphia on Sept. 16, 1748, males over the age of 16 were taken to the City Hall for the oath of allegiance to the government, then led back to the ship. Those who had their passage money, or could borrow it, were released. The others were consigned to merchants, and announcements were printed in newspapers. Buyers bargained with the passengers for a stated period of service, and paid the merchant the passage money and any other debts. Families were often divided on arrival, as children were 'sold' to pay the family's passage.
                        Passengers who were sick were not allowed to land. If there was infectious disease on board, the ship had to remove one mile from the port. In 1743, the Assembly at Philadelphia purchased Fisher Island, later named Province Island, its buildings to be used as a hospital. In 1754, 253 persons died there, as recorded in the accounts of one undertaker. Burial expenses were assumed by the merchants to whom the passengers had been consigned.

Take note nothing was given to them when they arrived they had to pay to get off the ship and swear an OATH OF ALLEGIANCE!   Should they not be able to pay for passage they had to work to get off the ship and or unfortunately some choose to sell their children.

Now lets compare today's so called immigrants and I 'm talking the ones who choose not to follow our immigration LAWS and just come here;

They are given food,clothing,housing,monies,education, health care and worst of all RIGHTS as if they were American Citizens.  When in reality they are illegal invaders of this country!

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