Wednesday, December 2, 2015


Here we go again with more hypo critic nonsense, which just speaks to just how low morality has fallen in this country!

We have Hillary Clinton front runner for Dem. nomination, yet shes under investigation by the FBI, surrounded in scandal involving her foundation, not to mention her other lies. Yet this country allows her to continue to run for the highest office in America.

Now we have;

Maj. Jason Brezler USMC Reservist, a U.S. Naval Academy graduate, works full-time for the New York Fire Department. Who self-reported that he improperly stored classified documents will be separated from the Marine Corps Reserve following a decision by Assistant Navy Secretary Juan Garcia. After the service found that he had been keeping it on an "unsecured hard drive".

The ridiculousness of this is Hillary has 51% of hypocrites waiting to vote for her.  It's sad to think she is supported by so many who are so easily fooled!
When it comes to this woman and the allegations alleged against her, one thing to think about is would you be getting a pass?

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